Friday, April 15, 2011

second WORST day of my life so far....

Well today was absolutely HORRIBLE. For those of you that know about my health issues, today was the first day of my treatment. Ben showed up last night to spend the night with me, and to be here when I got home from the hospital. I got home and slept with him for a little while, then we got up and hung out with Lauren and Emmy, then he took me out to lunch and then we came home hung out for a while and he headed back to Miramar. When he got home he was acting really weird, not answering my texts and just being fishy. So finally i got a hold of him and he called me.... to break up with me. supposedly he loves me, but he isn't a one girl kinda man, and he had sex with someone else. WONDERFUL!!! As if i dont have enough to go thru already. And you had to tell me this the day of my treatment!!! wow!!! your a winner!! Ever since this all happened I have been a complete mess. Crying, throwing up, just hysterical. Looks like i now get to do the rest of the treatments ALONE! AWESOME! :( FML!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! That is terrible, what a jerk! I cannot believe he said that and did that to you as he was trying to be nice, cuddling with you and there for your treatments. You definitely don't need that going on when you're going through these treatments and your family problems. Sorry you were so emotional about it and really upset... you will realize and look back, that it wasn't worth your time or effort and wonder why you got so upset over that. Im here if you need me.. I know i've been busy lately 5 days a week with this school but im still in reach
